Visa Waiver Program

Through Visa Waiver Program (VWP), the citizens or nationals of various countries do not require a visa to travel to the United States for business or tourism for less than a period of 90 days. It is necessary that the travelers have a valid ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) before they begin the travel. Those who still wish to have a visa can apply for a B type of visa.


 1. Andorra 12. Germany 23. Malta 34. Spain
 2. Australia 13. Greece 24. Monaco 35. Sweden
 3. Austria 14. Hungary 25. Netherlands 36. Switzerland
 4. Belgium 15. Iceland 26. New Zealand 37. Taiwan
 5. Brunei 16. Ireland 27. Norway 38. United Kingdom
 6. Chile 17. Italy 28. Portugal 
 7. The Czech Republic 18. Japan 29. San Marino 
 8. Denmark 19. Latvia 30. Singapore 
 9. Estonia 20. Liechtenstein 31. Slovakia 
 10. Finland 21. Lithuania 32. Slovenia 
 11. France 22. Luxembourg 33. South Korea 



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